Soper Farms - Back to the Future of Farming

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

August 2007, Our Awakening


In July of 2007, my wife was on a business trip to Europe. While there Karen met with Tommi Berron, the son of a long-time family friend. Tommi had just finished a two-year apprenticeship on an organic farm in Bavaria. Karen invited Tommi to come to our August farm meetings to learn what American agriculture was all about. Tommi agreed to come and to give us a presentation about his experience on the Hermannsdorffer Farm.

When Tommi arrived he took us all by quiet storm. Imagine this handsome young man speaking perfect English with a great sense of humor and giving his presentation in a pair of lederhosen. If you haven't seen lederhosen, they are the traditional garb of Bavaria. In Tommi's case, a tight pair of leather shorts with leather suspenders. He won our hearts and set a few of my nieces hearts fluttering as well.

That was all it took to for my board to assign me the task of researching organic farming and delivering a business plan for next year's meeting, a task I gladly accepted.


I quickly learned that organic farming meant many different things to the Sopers. All the press, and there was a lot, referred to growing vegetables and CSAs, organic dairies, raising grass-fed beef, goats, sheep, chickens, even llamas. But we were grain farmers. If you couldn't store the crop in a bin, we didn't plant it. And so our learning curve began. My aunts and uncles were my clipping service sending me articles from every paper and magazine they had with articles on organic farming. The Internet became an invaluable source as well and everything I learned I passed on in emails to the clan. I sent so much that some web browsers began sending my email to their spam folders.


That September I myself was on a business trip to Amsterdam and made a side trip to Germany where Tommi met me and took me on a tour of his organic farm. What a great first indoctrination in organic farming. It set some very high standards for me. Here is the report I filed to family upon my return.

Herrmannsdorffer Farms, September 2008 – H. Soper

On September 14, 2008 I toured the Herrmannsdorfer Farms in Bavaria near Munich, Germany. Tommi Berron was my guide. If Herrmanndorfer Farms were a bookend, it would be at the opposite end of the bookshelf from Soper Farms as regards farming practices and outcome. SFI follows a “monoculture” model (monoculture is the practice of producing or growing one single crop over a wide area). I don’t know the term that best describes Herrmanndorfer Farms except to describe it as a self-sustaining farm that delivers its agricultural products from the ground directly to the consumer. Adding value at every step, it is vertically integrated in most everything it does.
Founder - Herrmannsdorfer Farms (HF) are the result of 20+ years of effort by Karl Ludwig Schweisfurth and his family. Karl was a butcher with very large slaughterhouse operations across Germany. At the encouragement of his family he sold his slaughterhouse holdings years back and changed his focus to move from industrial food production to sustainable, organic production. Today he remains the chairman and goodwill ambassador of HF while his son, Karl Jr. runs all the day-to-day activities and enterprises of the farms.

HF Credo - The over arching principles that guide all HF enterprises is the belief that farming can be done in a sustainable way whereby nothing is wasted, crops are grown free of pesticides and chemicals and animals raised for slaughter should live a healthy, longer and happy life. The result is healthy premium quality foods delivered with the lowest possible carbon footprint.

Overview - HF is a profitable venture that occupies approximately 300 acres of land a short distance from the major cosmopolitan area of Munich. Proximity to a population large enough and prosperous enough to pay for premium organic products is critical to their success. On these 300 acres HF employs over 100 people. From these 300 acres HF has vertically integrated nearly every aspect of what this land can produce. From their organic fields, direct to the mouths of their consumers, HF produces pork, fresh vegetables, baked goods, beer, and liquors. With few exceptions all their products come directly from the productivity of their own land.

Branding – As unique as this farm and its products are, it requires HF to receive a premium price for their products while capturing all the profit margin available at every level of production and selling to the end user. To succeed, HF has built a strong brand name. Branding through multiple levels of marketing and retail is a critical part of their success in both creating a loyal customer following and in competing with other organic farms in Germany.

A Destination – HF is both a working farm and a destination for tourists, diners and shoppers. There is seldom a month that passes without an event from harvest festivals to music concerts to art shows and craft markets on the farm. Visitors are generally free to roam the grounds to see the operation and ask questions. On the farm site there is a full, upscale restaurant that features HF meat, produce and drinks. HF also sponsors programs that bring children to the farm for overnight stays living in tents and yurts to learn about the environment, ecology and organic sustainable living.

Farm Production – To begin, Karl and his key managers farm with an acute understanding of what is required to sustain the quality of their land. HF ground is about average. On a scale of 1 to 10 the quality of the soil is about 5. Over the years HF has developed crop rotation formulas and farming practices that yield the highest quality results while maintaining or increasing the yield capacity of their ground. These formulas are not static however and constant experimentation occurs to improve productivity at the lowest cost possible.

Welcome to Herrmannsdorfer Farms
Crops – Without going into details of their crops and rotation procedures, it is important appreciate the variety of crops grown. Every crop is grown to integrate into the total organic production plan.

Fresh Vegetables and Flowers – A wide variety of garden vegetables are grown and sold directly to the public through HF shops and restaurant. These fresh vegetables occupy only a small area of the farms. The gardens operate year round either outside during the growing season or in a hot house for off-season. The flower garden is open to the public to come and pick. The vegetables are sold in the shop directly across the lane. The proximity of their garden produce to their store is important because it connects the customers with the freshness of the products and shipping cost are limited to a wheel borrow and about 50 yards distance.

The Store – This store is on-site and sells only organic products. HF also has other similar retail outlets owned by HF in Munich only a short distance away. Proximity to market is important.
This happy shopper is amazed with the selection of seasonal vegetables that were picked just hours ago. This is the first thing you see when entering the store. This case includes all the bakery goods that are produced on the farm in their own ovens using grains raised on HF land. The Cheese counter includes cheeses made on site. HF doesn’t raise their own dairy cattle or goats so the milk is bought from nearby organic dairy farmers. The meat and sausage counter is a very busy place with all the meats having never been frozen. If you have an appreciation for sausages, this is another specialty where the contents are put together when the meet is “warm”, freshly slaughtered. To offer a wider variety of organic products, HF stores sell a complement of products made by other organic manufacturers including condiments, jams, fresh sauces … just about everything you would need to create great organic meals. No meal is complete without some libation. Below are two of the numerous Schweinbrau (Pig) Beer HF produces in its own brewery. At the checkout counter there are also mugs, glasses and cookbooks to help fill your basket. And, as mentioned before, nothing is wasted and all day-old bread and whey by-products from the cheese production are fed to some very eager eaters in the in the pig pens.

Hogs - The hog operations include a variety of pens used to house and feed the livestock. Depending on the weight, a hog is put in a pen where appropriate feeds are supplied. These pigs are feasting on fresh clover cut that day from nearby fields. The clover is a special variety that produces nutrients that are both good for the pigs and the soil. There was a serious feeding frenzy over this fresh clover.

Unlike pigs in many commercial feeding operations I’ve visited in the US, these pigs run to meet you when you approach the pen just in case you want to give them a good scratch. Fresh straw grown on the farm is put down daily and all the pens are designed to provide plenty of space so the pigs can move about without the stress of crowded conditions. These stock are a special breed of spotted pig that HF has determined make the best product. I’ve never seen such happy pigs!

Notice the solar panels on the roof of each barn. Again, HF harvests everything and not even the sunlight is wasted. These panels are one part of the energy generation that goes on to supply the farm with power. At a certain weight the pigs are put out to pasture where they, in large part, root and graze for themselves. This is a key point to HF farming practices … animals are required on their farm to complete a full cycle environment as their feeding practices and effluents contribute to sustainable farming. In this picture you’ll notice chickens. This is a recent experiment whereby the chickens eat the microbes left behind by the pig’s effluents. The pigs also act as a “protector” of the chickens from local foxes. The two buildings in the background house both with the pigs living on the bottom and the chickens roosting above enjoying the warmth produced from the pigs below.
Bio Energy Production – In addition to harvesting solar energy from SV panels, HF also produces biogas from livestock effluents. Again, repeating the motto, “waste nothing”.

This simple device installed on the floor of the pens is pulled by a cable. It opens up to pull the old straw and effluents from the floor. This is the first stage in a complete bioenerged production system used to produce methane gas to power the farm.
The animal waste is first gathered in this pit that conveys it … … to a mixer that reduces the matter to smaller particles from which methane is produced as the material decomposes. The last step is this pond where the effluents are finally treated by nature to allow the water to be recycled. The methane is burned in a piston engine to run a generator that powers the facility. Even the heat put off in the process is recycled to heat other buildings.

Milling Feed – All the grains used to feed the livestock are grown and milled on site. The only additives are vitamin supplements that are added to the feed.

There are various mixes of grain and vitamins that are programmed by computer, mixed and delivered to the pens via this pneumatic system. I mentioned that HF is constantly reviewing its practices to achieve greater results within their organic, sustainable model. This pneumatic system is under review and modification so it may be used to deliver fresh beets that HF grows and feeds to the livestock.
Slaughter – I didn’t take pictures of the slaughterhouse as access was limited for hygiene purposes, but I observed how HF applies its philosophy that the humane treatment of their livestock results in a much higher quality product. When the pigs move from pen to field, they do so under their own power, happily walking and running as they are guided from one location to the other.

In this last stage, the pigs walk themselves under no stress to large, uncrowded holding pens the day before being rendered. Then, one by one, the pig is taken in for slaughter. It is HF’s belief that if the animal is fearful and stressed, their bodies put out adrenaline that affects the taste and quality of the meat. Therefore, the slaughter environment is carefully designed and laid out to be stress-free. Once slaughtered, the meat is all prepared at that moment while warm and sent directly to the stores and restaurant. For some pork products, HF smokes the meat in their smoke house.
Historical footnote: The smokehouse was built in the traditional 19th century Bavarian style using wood and mud/straw as mortar. What a beautiful structure and another example of how HF makes the farm a destination of interest, further building its brand.

Tourist Area – The center of the farm is where the public spends much of its time. Surrounding a large courtyard are many buildings.

Below is a playground area for children. And here is a statue of a bull and behind is a dormitory for employees and interns.
Art – To digress a moment, HF has a resident artist that lives on site and you see artwork everywhere. Let me stress again that this is all part of building a destination of interest and creating a brand. Here are farm themes dipicted in sculpture. Art is found even out in the middle of the fields. This Stone-henge styled piece commemorates over 5,000 species in the region that have become extinct. Buildings ring the center courtyard with meeting rooms and workshops. This main building was formerly a barn but converted to hold the restaurant, bakery, cheese production on the first and second floors, offices on the third and the butchery in the basement far left (out of sight and mind).
The milling room where they mill the grains to be baked ... and here is the bakery.
At the top of a central circular stairway is the restaurant that serves affordable but highly crafted food, most of which comes from the farm.
Business Model – This is an appropriate time to mention HF’s hybrid business model. In the case of the farms, hog operations, shop, and brewery HF owns and operates them all. Where specialized expertise is required such as the restaurant and cheesery, local entrepreneurs are contracted.

Education – Running throughout the HF business model is an effort to educate the public on the themes of organic foods, health, the environment and how it all is interconnected. HF runs summer camps for children teaching how to create and live in a healthy and sustainable world.

The camping facilities are beautiful and create an environment of fun and learning. Here is the teepee where campers live. Opposite the teepee is a yurt that also houses campers. And where ever possible, sustainable practices are used. These are the showers for the campers. The hot water source is a compost pit with coiled water pipes that draw the natural heat from the compost process. You may not be aware that compost piles can get hot enough to catch fire naturally. The water for the showers is very warm.
If you are curious about how to build a compost shower, try this link:

Old Farming Practices – As the tour of HF progressed it became clear that the practices they used (with a little help from modern technology) were every day practice on farms at the turn of the 20th century. In fact, some of the tools used are found in antique implement stores. The machinery needed is small by comparison to the equipment used for SFI farming and often bought used, understanding it is better to reuse and recycle when ever possible. As a reminder, HF sits on only 300 acres (small by US farming practices), is profitable, organic, sustainable and provides jobs for over 100 employees.

Soper Farms Challenge - In many regards, Herrmanndorfer Farms are a trip back to the future, existing at the opposite end of most Iowa farming practices. This report is not intended as a recommendation for SFI but as an example as to what farming is like at the other end of the spectrum. In our current world of monoculture farming, SFI is well managed with care taken to be the best stewards possible of the environment because it makes good business and environmental sense. But there is always room for improvement.

Beyond this report, I will be looking at many of the practices we might choose to follow that lie between these two pole stars of farming (industrial versus local organic). Our future as a family group, with the resources to stay closely connected, is guaranteed. If we choose, the opportunity we have as a farm group is to create a legacy we are proud of, that will further define our stewardship on this one and only Earth. Herrmanndorfer Farms may be a model.

In following posts I'll takes us all on tours of Pete's Greens in Vermont, Polyface Farm in Virginia, Green Acres in Ohio and back to Iowa where you will learn about Soper Farms first organic endeavor and the family meeting in August this year that put us into gear. What a journey we are all having together as a family.

And at the end of every story my grandfather would say "they lived in peace, died in Greece, and were burried in an ege shell".


Monday, October 12, 2009

How It All Began

OCTOBER 2009 - Soper Farms spans four generations totaling 71 family stockholders. At this writing, Lilly, the youngest at 4 months, has yet to be gifted shares but will any day now. Every year we gather together for our annual stockholder and board of director’s meeting … a thin disguise for a raucous family reunion.

"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change" - Charles Darwin. And so too Soper Farms must change to survive ... and thrive.


Since the 1960s when the federal government began their farm subsidy program, Soper Farms has been following the government's subsidized plan planting corn and beans, cultivating a lot leaving the soil barren much of the time and dependent on oil for most all our herbicides, pesticides and fertilizer. This has left us with little or no control over our farm affairs. Not only can we not control the weather, under this regium we can't control the cost of our inputs, the prices we sell our crops for nor safe-guard our land. We find ourselves at the bottom of the great industrial food chain where we take much of the risks and reap few rewards as the rural communities we live in shrink and decay. Something has got to change. Our action to these changes are not only for the right environmental and health reasons but because, as a business, it is unsustainable.

Until now, all 974 acres of our farms followed the corn & beans rotation planting herbicide resistant GMO seeds and pouring oil-based Roundup herbicide on our ground. After harvest this year (October 2009) we are beginning our first transition of 400 acres away from these "standard practices" that have resulted in loss of control over our business, loss of top soil, and loss of quality and biodiversity of our soil and water. This process of change will be moderate but purposeful in its pace. As absentee landlords, we are challenged to find the next generation of sustainable farmers to work with in our area of Northwest Iowa. Where we will find these new tenant farmers is a work in process. When we can't, we will have to engage much more directly than we have before. There is no reverse.


In 1993 the clan decided to record some family history and my Aunt Dinny (Virginia) took it upon herself tells Grandfather’s story. Dinny wrote “… to recreate history in retrospect is not an easy job and the truth is, really, only in the eye of the beholder. Already Grandfather (Beaupop to us), Grammy and Harn Jr. are gone and we will have to tell their story for them. Soon, too soon, the remaining second generation of Hunter, Bob and myself and our spouses will be gone and our past with it…” This is how Soper Farms began.

EMMET HARLAND SOPER SR. (b. 12-14-1873 Esterville, Iowa. d. 2-21-1960, Emmetsburg, Iowa) - His story, as if in his own voice, written just prior to his death.

Let me introduce myself. I am Emmet Harland Soper, Sr. also known as Harn to my friends and Beaupop to the family. I am 86 years old and will soon die of bladder cancer brought on by my years of cigarette smoking. Although some of you may enjoy the same long life none of you will have the privilege I have had to live for over eighty years and die in the same house. I have often been asked by my children why Soper Farms is so important to me. So, children and grandchildren gather around the fireplace with the cannel coal crackling and some beautiful blue flame from the apple wood I put on to burn. Tonight it is not a story about how my Aunt Esther faced down the starving Indians just a few days before the Spirit Lake massacre. Her farm was the site of the future town of Estherville where I was born just a few years later. No, this is my story and as most of you are too young to remember, so I am putting it on paper with a lot of supporting documents from my children and others interested in genealogy and history.

For many centuries, mankind was mainly hunters and gatherers. It was attachment to the land, to a specific piece of land, that led to homesteading, the growth of small towns, and, eventually, cities and industrialization. It is a story of several generations that resulted in Soper Farms and it is my desire to see that all of us know from whence we came so we can steer a straighter course in the years to come. My children, the first Soper Farms generation (Harland, Hunter, Bob and Dinny) have largely transferred stock ownership to their children (the second generation) and now a third and fourth generation is beginning to make its presence felt. However, each generational change has taken us further from the rich black loam of northwestern Iowa. As we pursue our separate careers, it is mainly in cities and academia rather than the uncertainties and honest toil of farming. We must know something from whence we came if we are to adequately appreciate the glue that holds our twig on the family tree together. In the turmoil of a restless age this family's togetherness is a pearl of great value.


Our story starts with the beginnings of this country. The struggle to oust the British was successful and a grateful government had unlimited land on the frontier with which to reward Timothy Soper and the other soldiers. In the early nineteenth century the frontier had just begun to cross the Allegheny Mountains. Our forefathers were given a section (620 acres) of land in southeastern NY in Chenango County near the town of Pitcher Springs. Even today it is hilly terrain with lots of streams and dense forest undergrowth. But then it was cloaked in majestic native hardwoods and abounded with deer and turkey and ruffed grouse. The forests were cleared, stumps removed and farms began to dot the valleys and more fertile areas.

Stories filtered back about the Iowa Territory which was about to be made a state. The soil was black and rich even if you dug down six feet. This was a marked contrast to the thin soil full of stones with which they were struggling. The prairie grasses grew so tall that they hid a man on horseback and the prairie flowers were a riot of color. So in 1846 Jacob Soper and his wife Celinda Harvey Soper loaded their three children and all their worldly possessions into a wagon and made the long trek across New York, the corner of Pennsylvania and along Lake Erie to Jones County, Iowa near the present Fairview, Iowa. Life on the frontier was tough and Celinda died at age 36 of tuberculosis. They are both buried with some of their seven children in Norwich Cemetery where you can see their grave markers today.

My father, Erastus Burrows Soper, was only six years old but remembered that trip well. The family reprovisioned in the big city of Chicago that had a population of eight thousand at the time. Then they crossed the big river into eastern Iowa to the frontier territory that was to become a state at the same time in 1846 these settlers arrived. He grew up with the hard work of frontier farming and was educated at home by his desire to read anything he could get his hands on. At the age of fifteen his farsighted parents scraped together enough money and sent E. B. one county west to Linn County and Cornell College in Mt. Vernon, Iowa. He wanted a college education but had to leave home just when he was old enough to really help on the farm.

The Civil War interrupted his quest for education as he joined the First Iowa Infantry as a private. In part due to their heavy losses during the war, E.B. returned to Iowa, commander, having aged well beyond his years. Going back to Cornell he graduated with academic honors in 1867. He studied for the law in various law offices and then settled in Estherville, Iowa at a time when there were no fences and travel was very difficult as it meant traversing the high ground around the sloughs that dotted the area. After six years, the railroad came to one county south and he moved his office to Emmetsburg, Iowa on April 15, 1879.


I was born on December 12, 1873 in Esterville. At age 6 we moved to Emmetsburg where I lived my whole life in this same house at 1605 East Seventh Street. I was a bon vivant, carefree bachelor and was the state tennis champion when gentlemen lobbed the ball over the net with the hope that it would be returned. Although a graduate of Columbia University School of Law, I spent my entire life in farm management and in a love affair with the magnificent abundance of this land. At age 42 after pursuing Virginia Tunnicliff for seven years while she sought a career in vocal music I “finally yielded” (as the local Emmetsburg paper headlined). We were married and honeymooned at the Wisconsin Dells where you can still ride the same boat (at that time steam powered) down the same river.

We had a good enough life even with the thirteen-year difference in our age. Virginia had her brother Horace on a farm just across the pasture from our home place. She had her music, church friends, PEO, and sewing circle. My friends were the Scottish and English and Scandinavian people I grew up with. One thing was certain and that was there was no mixture with the people who lived South of the railroad tracks or with the strong Irish Catholic community. I felt that anyone with excessive hair on the back of the fingers was southern European and, therefore, of a lesser stature. As I look back, it is amazing how small and parochial one gets from living his entire existence in one small town.

Our lives together were blessed with the birth of our five children who are now your parents. Emmet Harland Jr., John, Hunter Alexander, Robert Tunnicliff, and little Virginia. Unfortunately, John died at age two of an intussusception which is easily treated if correctly diagnosed. We loved music, story telling, cribbage, and family time together on a regular basis with Horace and by letter and occasional trips with Sara and Grace in the East.

My father was engrossed by the far-flung law practice that carried him away from home for days at a time. My mother came from a farm background and we would work on the yard and garden. Mother permitted us to keep and save all the cash returns from the sale of garden produce, fruit and berries we grew. We were not wealthy but were very comfortably fixed with holdings in farms and banks. As a consequence, my mother gifted the home to grandson Harland, farmland to her childless daughter, Ruby, and a large acreage to her other present and yet to be born grandchildren. This turned out to be a lawyer-smart move as the great depression came to Iowa in the early 1920' s. All the small banks failed and all of the assets my brother and I had inherited went in a vain attempt to see that depositors did not lose money.


Virginia and I went from abundance to want to bare bones poverty. After over ten years of scraping by on little income and what we could grow in the garden, I developed a bleeding duodenal ulcer and was operated on at the Mayo Clinic for what, fortunately, turned out to be stress symptoms. I remember sending her a check for $25 and telling her it was a third of what we had in the bank. According to my mother's will the farm land could not be touched until the youngest grandchild was twenty-one. It was late in the forties when this happened. My brother had seven children and they got more land than my four children. A small amount of land came at the death of my sister, Ruby Alexander, but we were dismayed to find that it was mortgaged to the hilt. It was in 1951 that our family inherited the Tunnicliff home place from the estate of Elizabeth Cory Soper (my mother) and in 1952 the Burr Oak and Swan Lake half sections from my sister Ruby.

By the time the land holdings were divided all of my children were gone from Emmetsburg and married or embarked on careers. A very wise decision was made that the home place really did not have any immediate worth with Grammy and me living in it, therefore, the house and land were lumped together with four equal ownerships by our children. We were still faced with the problem of what the children should do with this inheritance. The most logical thing to do was to sell it all and divide up the loot and let each family go its own way. The big negative to this was that the land was bought at a pittance of its present value and the capital gains tax would be very substantial.


For some time I have toyed with the idea that perhaps, just perhaps, the land could be kept intact and in some manner serve as a mechanism to keep all you children together as you pursue your far-flung careers. Fortunately, Harn Jr. has been close enough to oversee this idea. He was aided and abetted by having nephew Jack Tunnicliff with the farming smarts to be an able and knowledgeable advisor. I know that several of you have families and wives that are struggling along on a very minimal income. It would be natural for some to wonder at times about why some of the land could not be sold and a bit of the money passed along. I am thrilled beyond words to see the strength of the desire of you children to retain your ties to the land. I feel this is a continuum of the generational relationship of Sopers to the land. I am heartened by your commitment. If you continue on this course you may have a pearl of great value for my grandchildren to enjoy.

Well, it is very late and I am tired. The fire has burned low but your interest and attention has stayed the course. As each story ends, it is time to say “they lived in peace and died in Greece and were buried in an egg shell”.


Before Grandfather’s passing in 1960, my father, Harland Jr., held the reins of Soper Farms, guiding its growth for 30 years before the reins were passed to my cousin Ginger, then to my cousin Jim and now to me, Harland (Harn) III. Before his passing, my father encapsulated this mission statement for Soper Farms pulling from his memory, his father’s goals for the family and the farms.


"The mission of Soper Farms, Inc is to perpetuate the vision of E. H. Soper, Sr., that the land provide a foundation for the continuation of strong family ties. In order to sustain this vision, we shall: 1) promote regular family meetings; 2) promote responsible stewardship of N.W. Iowa farmland; 3) emphasize growth and profitability within the boundaries of fiscal responsibility; 4) foster the interest and involvement of successive generations."